Friday 12 March 2021

 what were you proud of this week this week i am most proud of finishing my box in Eurika

what sporting events have you participated in or singed up for I singed up for everything except 3000 800 m sprints

what was your highlight this week finishing my box

Thursday 10 December 2020

 What christmas means to me

Christmas means to get together with family and have family dinners and breakfasts and giving to others but it’s not just about getting and giving it's also about celebrating jesus’s birthday on the 25th also leave some carrots and milk out for Santa and his reindeer.

goal setting review

 today my class had to review on our goals from term one it was cool to see what we achieved and didn't achieve my goals were To get better at division,To be more like Hinehakirirangi and persevere and finish my work and To help others to do their work,

Thursday 3 December 2020

Ice candles

 today my class made ice candles if you want to make an ice candle here are the ingredients.


1. milk carton 1 depends how many you make

2.old candles 9 cubes

4.3 tall candles

5.olive oil

6.1 pan

here are the results

Friday 13 November 2020

digital art

 today I am learning how to do digital art mrs Torry

I found it easy to colour in my picture

I found it tricky to find what picture I wanted

my digital learning object shows I can download something from a website

next time I would change my colours

real one

my one

Friday 6 November 2020

Tui ridge letter

 My schools senior classes went on camp and when we got back we had to write a letter to one of the instructors or parent helpers here's a list of things we did.indoor rock climbing Nerf wars slingshot paintball laser tag flying fox indoor rock climbing.

Logan R

40 Campion rd


5 November 2020

Dear Francois

I am writing to you to thank you for teaching me in paintball and shooting me in

the legs.

My bruise is slowly going down I wish I could have got you back but we ran out

of time.

It was so fun Thank you for teaching me at tui ridge.

One highlight for me was teams of two I partnered up with Marshall he told me

some tips.

like when to move and who is the easiest target.

Me and marshall had three partners because chases partner left so he joined us

my favourite was team vs team.

So thank you for teaching me slingshot paintball and taking time out of your day

to teach me and my groups so on behalf of my group we thank you for teaching us.

Team blue vs team green was soooo fun I found a secret passageway to steal the

flag. I went up into the bushes I saw the flag but stood on a twig but nobody heard but

Sarah looked

at me.

 Ngā mihi

Logan R

October Reflection

today I was reflecting on my October it was a good month

I found it easy to get the background

My digital learning object shows I can copy and paste a google drawing on my blog

next time I would change my background